Numerous publications are available from HFES, some covering technical topics in human factors and ergonomics, current research and applications, and general information about the discipline and the Society.
Among our publications, HFES produces the Users' Guides to Human Factors and Ergonomics Methods—a series that provides accessible, instructional titles detailing the background, rationale, detailed procedures and outcome analyses associated with methodological procedures used in the investigation of human involvement in complex sociotechnical systems. Additionally, we publish a number of peer-reviewed periodicals containing the latest findings in HF/E research and practice. Members have complimentary digital access to current and archived full-text articles—more than 22,000 papers—by logging in to their HFES account. Nonmembers may subscribe or download articles for a fee.
Since the early 1980s, HFES has participated in the development of American national standards and has worked to establish U.S. positions for international standards. HFES continues to participate as a member of the American National Standards Institute and as an ANSI-accredited standards developer.
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