
HFES President’s Message - November, 2024

S. Camille Peres, HFES President

What a month… Elections, Veterans Day, and Native American Heritage Month

November 5—Election Day: Lots on which to talk about and reflect—let’s start with the election. For many, the results of the election are something to celebrate. For many others, they are not only not something to celebrate but are creating fear and resulting in online harassment and threats. Given this, I am reminding myself daily to be kind and patient—to others and to myself. I am also reminding myself to be active where I can and to leverage my voice.

On a different note, did you know that some of your colleagues have done very important work towards identifying how ballots should be designed (can you say “hanging chads”)? There are also HFES members who have done research on how to support the security of electronic voting systems. Look in our HFES Journals to learn more.  

As Human Factors and Ergonomic professionals, this election has many implications for our work—both academic and practice. Did you know that we work closely with Lewis-Burke to ensure that the interests of our profession and those we serve are presented effectively to legislators on the hill.  Read their most recent report of how this election our professions’ next few years.

Honoring our Veterans! There are essentially three groups of people who have served us as part of the military—those in active duty, those who are no longer in active duty and are still alive, and those who served us and have passed. Veterans Day—every November 11—is a national holiday that recognizes the sacrifices and service of millions who have worn the military uniform. This recognition is important as many of these individuals faced grave dangers and challenges while protecting the nation. The observance was first established as “Armistice Day” on Nov. 11, 1919, and was intended to commemorate the end of World War I. Congress later passed a resolution declaring it an annual observance in 1926. There are many too who wore the uniform who were not necessarily directly in harms way who are nevertheless just as worthy of being honored and recognized. Those ensuring that the vehicles were in working and reliable condition likely saved lives on the battlefield. Those who worked to make sure that people in combat had the proper nutrition, clothing, and housing made the combat possible.

Then there are those in HFES (and before that HFS) who made the designs of systems work better for the pilots (thinking of Chapanis of course), sailors, marines, soldiers, coast guard, and all. Many of our fellow HFES members are actively working to improve system designs and interfaces in the military domain. Honestly, I’m reticent to provide examples because there are SO many of you, I would leave out a BUNCH!! As a Navy mom, words cannot begin to express how much I appreciate the work you do to make the likelihood of all our active-duty military members being able to become veterans who are with us on Veterans Day. May they all come home, always.

Native American Heritage Month! Did you know pretty much anywhere you are in the United States, you are standing on Indigenous lands? This piece by NPR shares the development of a map that can let you discover that which territory is/was associated with your current location. For instance, as I type this at the NRC location in Rockville, MD, I am in the Piscataway Territory. I think I’m going to learn more about these people... HFES has started an important collaboration with our Native American brethren and at HFES ASPIRE 2024, we collaborated with Advancing Indigenous People in Stem (AISES) to invite students from their chapter to attend the meeting. This is a small effort, and we need to do more. Learn more about Native American Month from this piece written by our own Dr. Bob Fox.  

Thanksgiving—Although we know now that Thanksgiving and the Pilgrims was not necessarily as it was depicted to us as children, it is an opportunity to gather with friends, family, and loved ones. I’ve often reflected on it being one of my favorite holidays because there are no presents to fret about, the time period is often too short for extended travel, and it can be a day of truly being thankful (well, and food, and football if you’re in my house 😉). I hope you have a chance to hug someone you care about whether it is at a family gathering, a friendsgiving event, or your pet! If you are feeling lonely and alone, reach out!!! Send a note out on HFES Connect! Let’s have a group get together via zoom!

Let’s hear from you: Lastly, I was to remind you of the opportunities for all of you to contribute to the 2025 HFES ASPIRE meeting in Chicago!!! HFES leadership is working tirelessly to improve our transparency, and towards that effort, I sent a video providing feedback on some of the concerns HFES members were having regarding ASPIRE: Feedback on ASPIRE to membership-small.mp4. In this video, I talk about the opportunities to provide feedback. Here is the page to login to communication events (no registration is necessary) HFES ASPIRE Planning Meetings. Hope to see you there!!!




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