New Ergonomics Certification Program in Thailand
With the support of the Foundation for Professional Ergonomics (FPE) impact grant program, Dr. Manida Neubert and her team of investigators developed a certification system and core competencies for professional ergonomists in Thailand. This is a particularly timely initiative since Thailand is rapidly incorporating modern technology and automation into its manufacturing processes, and there are no professional standards for those providing human factors and ergonomics (HFE) assistance. Moreover, the coverage of HFE topics in university curricula is uneven.
The investigators compiled details about HFE education in Thailand as well as needs for HFE services by Thai industries. This information was used to identify educational competencies and deficiencies and to develop a pilot HFE certification program that is consistent with other certification bodies endorsed by the IEA. The certification program establishes a guideline for knowledge and skill requirements for professional ergonomists in Thailand which will, in turn, improve productivity and safety in Thai manufacturing and service industries.
If you would like to learn more about this effort or would like to support similar efforts by FPE, please contact Professor Waldemar Karwowski ( or Dr. Harvey Cohen (