Updates from the HFES President
A New Year.
Changes everywhere: January always brings in a new year and a chance as well to reflect on how the new year may be different (better or worse than the last). At HFES, there are some things happening in the new year that are VERY exciting.
- Titans of HFES on Monday, February 3
Learn about the people who are reference in your Human Factors and Ergonomics textbooks - Human Factors and Ergonomics in Health Care Symposium: from May 30 – April 2
The premier event on the integration of HF/E in health care - Regional Meetings on Friday, April 11
Pick the region most convenient for you, see what their programming is going to be, submit your work, and be sure to be there!!! - ASPIRE HFES from October 13 – 17
ErgoX – Invited speakers about all things physical ergonomics! (Oct 13)
UX 2-day Mini Conference – Invited speakers and submitted sessions (Oct 14-15)
Humans and AI Event – (Oct 17)
Be on the lookout for more!!!
On a more serious note, there are also changes happening outside of HFES that impact our members, science, and possibly practice. We must respond to those changes. It is important to respond in a way that is thoughtful, intentional, and productive. I know that many of you are wondering about funding for your research projects and the status of some of the committees in which you participate as part of your employment and as part of HFES. Know that the HFES leadership is working quietly and intently on how best to respond immediately and in the near future in the manner that is most helpful primarily for our members, and also for the health of our society. More soon.
Last month I also promised some changes to the bulletin that I did not deliver on (sorry about that) but be on the lookout in the next bulletin for the series on the “Work of the Society.” Not only is it important that you all see the amazing work the committees and groups of HFES are doing, it’s important for you all to know what type of work is being done!!
Key dates coming up:
Town Hall Tuesday, January 28th noon – 1 ET. {link here}
ASPIRE HFES Engagement Forum Thursday, January 30th noon – 1 ET {link here}
Regional meeting Submissions due: March 4th
ASPIRE HFES Submissions due: February 13th
Let’s hear from you: I want to remind you of the opportunities that HFES leadership is working tirelessly to improve our transparency. We have a video providing feedback on some of the concerns HFES members were having regarding ASPIRE. Here is the page to login to communication events (no registration is necessary) HFES ASPIRE Planning Meetings. Hope to see you there!!!
Event |
Day/Date |
Time |
Weekly Office Hours |
Fridays |
12:00 - 1:00 ET |
Monthly Tech. Prog Committee |
1st Wednesdays |
07:30 - 8:30 ET |
Monthly ASPIRE Engagement Forums |
Jan 30th |
03:00 – 4:00 ET |
More than hearts and prayers… The devastation in the Los Angeles area is simply horrific. To know that entire communities are decimated is often just beyond the imagination. While hearing and seeing about yet another set of disasters, I was reminded about my post after the hurricane that went through the southwestern part of the US last year. I said then that we, as Human Factors and Ergonomics Professionals have something to offer and it’s time for us to offer it in a cohesive manner. Through our science and practice we can improve disaster response, mitigation, and recovery. To that end, a small group is meeting this month to talk about what should the first steps be in this effort. If you are interested in participating, either attending meetings, being part of planning efforts, starting research or planning activities, whatever, please reach out to me and I’ll add you to the list-- camille.peres@nrc.gov.
Be well all. I’m hearing a line from a song that says, “My momma always said, look up into the sky, and find the sun on a cloudy day.” Lots of our friends are having a hard time looking up, let’s help them find the sun!!! Hope you’re there on Tuesday!!