Call for Nominations – IEA Fellows Award
Posted March 07, 2023
Each year, Federated societies of the International Ergonomics Society are invited to forward names of candidates to be considered for IEA Fellowship. Therefore, HFES is accepting applications for IEA Fellow from its members through Monday, April 24. Applicants must be an HFES Fellow and a member of HFES in good standing for at least the preceding ten years. Self-nominations are permitted and members of HFES may submit applications on behalf of another qualifying HFES Fellow. The IEA’s eligibility criteria are:
- The candidate must have been a Full Member in good standing of a Federated or Affiliated Ergonomics Society for at least the preceding 10 years, and
- The candidate must have served the ergonomics community at an international level.
The application packet to be submitted to HFES must include a nomination letter and at least two, but no more than three, letters of support. At least one letter must represent an international perspective or source. Additionally, a copy of the candidate’s Curriculum Vitae must be submitted.
If you are interested in applying for yourself or for another HFES Fellow, please compile the application elements and submit them as one combined PDF file no later than Noon Eastern Time on Monday, April 24. Decisions will be made public in July.
Submission Site