Congratulations to the April HFES Volunteer of the Month: Rod Roscoe, PhD
Posted May 11, 2022
Rod Roscoe has been a member of HFES for five years, serving as the Chair of the Societal Impact Committee and as a member of the Diversity and Inclusion Committee. He earned his PhD in Cognitive Psychology from the University of Pittsburgh with a focus on learning processes and peer learning. His first postdoctoral position (Vanderbilt University) was in Computer Science to work on teachable agent systems and AI in STEM lear
ning. His second postdoctoral position introduced him to automated writing evaluation and intelligent tutoring systems in literacy education.
While his entire career has been in academia, Dr. Roscoe has enjoyed a variety of disciplines and settings spanning educational psychology, intelligent systems, and human-centered design. His current research brings together insights from learning science, cognitive science, computer science, user-centered design, and equity to support educational systems and technologies that help people reach their best potential. Current projects include work on automated writing evaluation and intelligent tutoring of writing strategies, inclusive language analytics, equity-centered courseware for chemistry, and engineering education.
During his time with HFES, Dr. Roscoe has been impressed with the level of awareness and advocacy that HF/E experts can bring to equity in their fields. For that reason, he was honored to showcase some of that work in an edited volume (co-edited with Drs. Erin Chiou and Abigail Wooldridge). That book won an award - a testament to the scholars and practitioners who were featured. That book is something he'll be proud of for his whole career.
To anyone interested in becoming more involved with HFES, Dr. Roscoe encourages them to 'Do it! The society needs your insight and energy, and there are so many ways to grow in/through HFES.'