IEA 2021 Updates - Congress Moving Fully Virtual and Top Ten Tracks
Posted February 17, 2021

Register now for IEA2021! Early-bird registration fees expire on 18 FEBRUARY
IEA 2021 Updates - Congress Moving Fully Virtual and Top Ten Tracks
Delegates can register at the current virtual conference rates until 18 February 2021. On 19 February, rates will increase for IEA members and nonmembers. The rates for student delegates and delegates from OECD low and middle-income countries will remain unchanged. Delegates who have already registered for the virtual conference are automatically registered for the full Congress. All in-person registrations will be changed to virtual and if already paid, then refunds will be issued within 4-6 weeks. If payment has not been received, new invoices will be issued. Finalized registration rates are available here.
There are over 30 exciting tracks being organized for the IEA Congress (13-18 June 2021) covering a wide range of topics in HF/E, in additional to special sessions. The top ten tracks that received the most submissions are:
- Healthcare Ergonomics
- Musculoskeletal Disorders
- Transport HF/E
- Activity Theories for Work Analysis and Design
- Organizational Design and Management
- Health and Safety
- Covid 19
- Biomechanics
- Ergonomics in Design for All
- Work with Computing Systems
All of the tracks are outlined on the IEA2021 website (