Members in the News
Posted January 25, 2022
Matt Marino Discusses Exoskeleton and Exosuits
HFES member Matt Marino on 5 Exoskeleton and Exosuit Highlights from 2021 that Provide Insight on What to Expect This Year – View the article here.

Emily Rickel is a PhD Candidate within the Department of Human Factors and Behavioral Neurobiology at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University. She was recently awarded a SMART Scholarship to complete her PhD studies. The SMART Scholarship is a prestigious Department of Defense (DoD) funded award that provides full tuition, annual stipends, internships, and guaranteed employment with the DoD after graduation. More information about SMART can be found here:
Changwon Son will be joining Texas Tech University Industrial, Manufacturing, & Systems Engineering Department as a tenure-track assistant professor in fall 2021. Changwon will lead Safety, Human factors, And Resilience Engineering (SHARE) Lab ( at Texas Tech and conduct research on team resilience and systems safety with diverse lab members and faculty.