Alphonse Chapanis Award
Established in 1969, the Alphonse Chapanis Award is presented to a student or students for outstanding human factors research conducted while enrolled in an appropriate academic program and presented as a paper or poster at ASPIRE – The HFES International Annual Meeting. Students apply for this award by submitting this application form along with their accepted full proceedings papers to the award committee chair. Short abstracts are not eligible for this award. The committee will select three finalists to present their papers for judging at a special session at the meeting. The recipient of the Alphonse Chapanis Award will be announced during ASPIRE—the HFES Annual Meeting. A cash award of $2,000 accompanies the award certificate.
Bentzi Karsh Early-Career Service Award
Established in 2013, this award recognizes outstanding contributions to HFES through professional service and outreach activities as a student and early-career professional. The Karsh award recognizes the impact this individual has had on raising the public's awareness of human factors/ergonomics science. A candidate for the award must be an HFES member currently in good standing within seven years of receiving a degree in HF/E or a related field. The information required to support a candidate's nomination for this award will include a résumé or curriculum vitae and at least two letters of support.
EID: Best Student Paper in Ergonomics in Design Award
The Best Student Paper in Ergonomics in Design Award, sponsored by Dr. Brian Peacock, is an annual award for student work submitted to Ergonomics in Design. HFES urges academicians and their students to consider this unique opportunity and to submit their design work to EID. Brian Peacock CV.
- The purpose of the award is to recognize excellence in contributions by graduate or undergraduate students in the area of ergonomics in design
- The award provides a certificate and a total monetary award of $1,000 to a student (or students). The award will be presented at each Annual Meeting during the journal awards session.
- The paper must be the result of work accomplished by the students(s) while enrolled in an appropriate academic curriculum
Travel Grants for First-Year Graduate Students
The Travel Grants program for First-Year Graduate Students supplies $500 for graduate students who are in the first year of their academic program to support their travel to ASPIRE—the HFES Annual Meeting. Students must be members of HFES at the time of application. Applicants who submit completed applications will be randomly selected. The application deadline is generally in early to mid-July annually.
Student Presenter Travel Grants
The Student Presenter Travel Grant program supplies $500 to students who are authors of accepted papers or posters for ASPIRE—the HFES Annual Meeting, to support their travel-related expenses. The student must be listed as the presenting author of the associated work at the time of submission. Students must also be members of HFES at the time of application. Nominations for this award must be submitted by a faculty member in the student's program. The nominator does not have to be an advisor or coauthor of the work. Travel awards will be assessed based on need and, in the case of multiple qualified applicants, randomly. The application deadline is generally in early to mid-July annually.
Students may only apply for either the Travel Grants for First-Year Graduate Students program OR the Student Presenter Travel Grant program but not both.
Student Member with Honors Award
The Student Member with Honors Award was established in 1999 to acknowledge students who have made an outstanding contribution to the discipline or to HFES during their tenure as a student. This designation honors students who have made outstanding contributions to the discipline and/or HFES during their tenure as students. More information.
Student Chapter Awards
The Student Chapter Awards were established to recognize chapters for their contributions and achievements (both the number and quality of activities) across a number of categories as listed below, with emphasis on demonstrated excellence in a specified number of areas.
The William C. Howell Young Investigator Award
Established in 2013, this award provides an award plaque to a member of HFES for demonstrating outstanding contributions to HFES through professional scientific contributions as a young investigator. The Howell award recognizes the talent, creativity, and influence of a singular young researcher. A candidate for the award must be an HFES member currently in good standing within nine years of graduation with a degree in HF/E or related field. The information required to support a candidate's nomination for this award will include a résumé or curriculum vitae and at least two letters of support.