Important Dates

Monday, January 6, 2025           
AM Call for Proposals opens 

Thursday, February 13 
Call for Proposal deadline 

Thursday, April 17         
Acceptance/Decline Notifications sent 

Thursday, April 24         
Speaker Confirmation Due in Linklings 

Monday, May 5               
Draft papers due in Linklings 

Wednesday, May 21     
Session schedule finalized & sent to presenters 

Friday, May 23 
Paper review feedback sent to authors 

Monday, June 2              
Final proceedings upload site opens 

Tuesday, June 17           
Final proceedings papers due 

Friday, September 19
Hotel Reservation Deadline (Rooms may sell out before deadline)

Thursday, October 2     
Speaker orientation webinar 

Wednesday, October 8              
Send Speaker Onsite Information Email  

Friday, October 10        
Target Date for Publication of Proceedings

Monday, October 13