Submission FAQs

ASPIRE – the 69th International Annual Meeting 

The submission deadline has passed.   Here is information concerning the submission process and important dates:

Please review our resources to help you prepare your submission for ASPIRE – the 69th HFES International Meeting. Questions should be addressed to the HFES Education team at

Submission Types: ASPIRE accepts 8 types of submissions for presentations at the conference: Lecture, Poster, Panel, Case Study, Invited Symposium, Demonstration, Workshop, and Alternative Format. Click here to view a summary of these accepted submission types and their requirements. 

Submission Process: ASPIRE adopts a 2-step submission process for presentation at the conference and then publication in the conference proceedings. The first step requires an extended abstract for most submission types. Acceptance at this stage grants authors the opportunity to present at ASPIRE. Then, authors may decide to optionally submit either a revised extended abstract or a 5-page paper for consideration for publication in the proceedings. Acceptance for presentation does not automatically grant acceptance for publication in the proceedings. 

NEW FOR 2025: Submission Components Submissions to the portal will require an extended abstract submission. 

  • Lectures, Case Study, and Poster submissions must be blinded (no identifying author information included.) 
  • A submitted extended abstract may be a maximum of 2 pages in length. 
  • Submitted files must have at least 0.5 in margins on all sides and use a minimum 11pt standard serif font (e.g. Times New Roman). Sample Microsoft Word and PDF templates are available. 
  • Submissions must include the required headings listed on the submission form. 
  • Submitted files may be text only, or may include charts, graphs, tables, diagrams, or any other form of special content that may be relevant to reviewers. 
  • You may but are not required to upload a separate one-page document for references. 
  • You will have the option if selected to publish a paper, to publish an extended abstract, or not to publish anything regardless of your draft submission. 
  • Refer to the HFES Code of Ethics and the policy on Use of Generative AI Tools and LLMs prior to submitting your work. 
Important Dates: 

February 18, 2025– Deadline for Submissions 

Week of April 15, 2025 – Decision Letters Sent 

  • Decision letters will be sent to corresponding authors via email. 

April 24, 2025 – Deadline to Accept and Complete Author and Abstract Update Stage 

  • Deadline to accept your submission acceptance through the submission site. 
  • Submit abstract and author updates to the submission system. The information confirmed in this stage is what appears in the program and mobile app. 

Week of May 19, 2025 – Final Program Released 

May 5, 2025 – Draft Papers/Abstracts Due for Review 

May 23, 2025 – Review Feedback Provided to Authors 

June 17, 2025 – Final Proceedings Paper Due 

Publication Process 

Submitting a paper or extended abstract for publication in the conference proceedings is optional. In addition to utilizing the appropriate template, the following guidelines must be followed: 

  • Papers can be five (5) formatted pages, including all references and acknowledgments. 
  • Titles, keywords, and abstracts must be included in the manuscript file to ensure discoverability through online search engines like Google. 
  • Author information, including names, affiliations, sequence, and contact details, should be accurately listed in the manuscript file. 
  • Papers missing the author block will be rejected and returned to the author(s) for correction, which could result in delayed publishing. 
  • Each article should contain Declaration of Conflicting Interests and Funding sections, per the COPE Guidelines on Good Publication Practice (2003). 
  • All Tables and Figures in the article should be appropriately cited in the text, i.e., in-text citations of all Tables and Figures are required in the main article text. 
  • References and their in-text citations should adhere to APA formatting guidelines.  
  • Papers that do not meet the above outlined guidelines may be rejected and returned to the author(s) for correction, which could delay publication.