HFES organizes highly regarded educational activities on a variety of topics and interest areas. These activities offer unparalleled opportunities to immerse oneself in new discoveries and breakthroughs in the field of human factors/ergonomics and benefit from opportunities to meet peers from around the world.
Attend our highly rated conferences and symposia to explore, network and participate in programs presented by a community of distinguished professionals working in diverse areas of the HF/E field.
Members and others are invited to contribute to the scientific programs by submitting proposals to our premier educational event, ASPIRE, or to the annual International Symposium on Human Factors and Ergonomics in Health Care. Calls for submissions will be posted on the event web pages, published in the Bulletin, distributed in emails and posted on social media.
We also invite our members to help design the scientific program of our educational activities by reviewing submitted proposals. This is a great service to HFES and a fulfilling way to apply your expertise to HFES programs.
Statement of Appropriate Conduct
HFES is committed to providing a safe and productive meeting environment free of discrimination, hostility and harassment, in any form, for everyone, regardless of gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, physical or mental disability, medical condition, physical appearance, ethnicity, race, religion, political affiliation, nationality or any other group identity or basis protected by federal or applicable state laws or local ordinances. The Society does not tolerate discrimination or any form of unlawful harassment and is committed to enforcing this Statement of Appropriate Conduct at all HFES events.