Symposium Policies

Cancellation Policy & Fees

We realize that sometimes circumstances may require a registrant to cancel their plans to attend. We are happy to refund registration fees paid, less an administrative fee.  If notice of cancellation is provided to us in writing on or before 5:00 p.m. Pacific Time, Friday, March 14, 2025, the lower fee will apply.  If notice is received after March 14, 2025, the cancellation fee increases.  Send notice of cancellation to  Cancellation fees follow:

  Registration-Full: $125 (after 3/14/25-$375)
  Registration-One Day: $75 (after 3/14/25-$225)
  Workshop: $75 (no refund after 3/14/25)

Early Career Associate
  Registration-Full: $50 (after 3/14/25-$150)
  Registration-One Day: $25 (after 3/14/25-$75)
  Workshop: $75 (no refund after 3/14/25)

  Registration-Full: $50 (after 3/14/25-$150)
  Registration-One Day: $25 (after 3/14/25-$75)
  Workshop: $25 (no refund after 3/14/25)

Registration Transfer

Registrations may be transferred to another individual through March 14, 2025, upon written request by the registrant – not the individual seeking the registration. Please email transfer requests to us at

Conduct at HFES Place-Based Events

HFES is committed to providing a safe and productive meeting environment free of discrimination, hostility, and harassment, in any form, for everyone.  As a professional society, HFES is strongly committed to diversity, equity, professional expression of ideas, and the ethical treatment of all members and meeting participants. HFES is committed to emphasizing and enforcing the Society's values and firm belief in civil discourse, even during critical examination and critique of ideas. 

We value and aim to advance the free exploration of competing ideas and concepts – with a fundamental respect for the rights, dignity and value of all persons. We aim to promote the shared responsibility to establish, maintain and protect such an environment for the benefit of all.

Statement of Appropriate Conduct

The Society does not tolerate discrimination or any form of unlawful harassment and is committed to enforcing this Statement of Appropriate Conduct (the "Code") at all HFES events. We urge you to read the entire HFES Code of Ethics/Conduct statement.

Consent to Use of Photographic Images

Registration and attendance at, or participation in, the International Symposium on Human Factors and Ergonomics in Health Care constitutes an agreement by the registrant to allow HFES to use and distribute the registrant's photographic images on the HFES website, in promotional materials (e.g., emails), and in HFES periodicals and newsletters. When using photographs taken at the Symposium for marketing/promotional purposes, HFES does not identify attendees or their affiliation; and specifically does not identify government/Department of Defense employees or their affiliations.