Engage with HFES
From volunteering, joining groups and building your network, presenting, being an advocate, holding office and more—there are numerous avenues to enhance your engagement in human factors and ergonomics and with HFES.
Publish Your Research: Share your latest findings by publishing in any of our four peer-reviewed scientific journals. Publishing offers advantages such as career advancement, professional recognition, collaboration opportunities, increased visibility, societal impact, credibility, professional development, and inspiration for future research. It establishes authors as experts, opens doors to new opportunities, and contributes to advancing HF/E knowledge.
Become a Mentor/Mentee: Experience personal growth and professional development by mentoring. Improve communication and supervisory skills, expand networks, and contribute to others' development.
Apply for an Award: Each year, Full and Emeritus members in good standing may nominate worthy candidates for Society awards.
Present Your Important Work: Share your work at ASPIRE, our premier annual meeting, or at our international Symposium on Human Factors and Ergonomics in Health Care, either as a podium presenter or through a poster presentation.
Review Proposals: Share your expertise and help design the scientific program by serving as a reviewer of proposals submitted in consideration of presentation at HFES meetings.
Join a Technical Group: HFES has multiple technical groups concerned with the human factors/ergonomics aspects of specific application areas. Membership in our technical groups is available to HFES members and non-members.
Attend/Organize a Webinar: Our HFES Webinar Program supports seasoned and first-time organizers alike in developing, organizing, and promoting webinars. Expand your reach and contribute to the HF/E community.
Engage with an Affinity Group: Share ideas, information and experiences with others with similar affinities or interests. Members are welcome to create new Affinity Groups as well.
Network and Share with Others on HFES Connect: HFES Connect is the ultimate hub for networking, sharing ideas, and finding opportunities to volunteer within the human factors and ergonomics community. Enhance your work by forging meaningful connections with HFES Connect.
Apply to be a Science Policy Fellow: Learn to advocate for HF/E at a national level through our Science Policy Fellow program. Participants receive training in public affairs, advocacy, and participate in Capitol Hill Day in Washington, D.C.
Apply to the Emerging Leaders Program: Develop leadership skills and connect with HFES executives to become a future leader in the field through the Emerging Leaders Program. The program brings two members to the Executive Council's fall meeting to view nonprofit governance in action and involves the selected individuals in the discussions at the table.
Donate: Support HFES by donating or through planned giving. Donations to HFES are tax deductible. Consider planned giving by making a gift of stock or arranging a bequest in your estate planning.
Become a Volunteer
Volunteers are the fuel that power HFES. Consider contributing to HFES through short-term projects, annual committee service, task forces, affinity groups and more. Each volunteer strengthens our community and helps achieve our shared goals. Volunteering with HFES will expand your network, provide platforms where you can share your expertise, enable the development of new skills and provide you personal satisfaction by contributing to HF/E and HFES-your professional home.
HFES offers a variety of ways for our members to get involved, from short-term volunteer projects, year-long committee service, task forces, working groups, Executive Council service, and more. With every new volunteer, HFES grows more energized, more diverse and inclusive, and better equipped to reach our common goals. Volunteer opportunities will be posted to Volunteer Central, our volunteer management platform, as they become known. Check back often to find an opportunity to help advance the mission of HFES.
Consider Elected Office
When you want to take your participation to the next level, consider seeking nomination for elected office. Each spring, HFES issues a call for nominations for President-Elect, Secretary-Treasurer-Elect, and for two At-Large members of Executive Council. Service in these positions requires attendance at two face-to-face meetings per year. There are certain eligibility requirements and only Full and Emeritus members may nominate, vote, and hold office if elected. Read more about service as an elected leader of HFES:
Watch our Bulletin newsletters, emails, and social media for updates, check Volunteer Central regularly, or contact us at Info@hfes.org for opportunities.