Among HFES publications, we proudly offer books in the Users' Guides to Human Factors and Ergonomics Methods—a series that provides accessible, instructional titles detailing the background, rationale, detailed procedures, and outcome analyses associated with methodological procedures used in the investigation of human involvement in complex sociotechnical systems. Each book contains enough detail to be a self-contained guide and reference work for the method, offering an "expert over your shoulder." Click on the thumbnail image of each title to read more information.
The titles below may be ordered for instant download from HFES by clicking on the "Order" button. Additionally, e-reader and soft-cover versions may be ordered via Amazon. Evaluating the Performance of Systems that Human Behavior and Control is only available as a complimentary download through HFES.
Title |
Description |
Author(s) |

Originally aimed at guiding developers and users of international standards, the scope of this publication now encompasses the performance of human-machine systems where the human is operating equipment.
Robert C. Sugarman, Ph.D.
Anna M. Wichansky, Ph.D.
Victoria Budico
Mica R. Endsley, Ph.D.
Thomas B. Malone, Ph.D.
Elliot Biltekoff, Ph.D.

This book explores how a well-designed questionnaire conceals the complexity of the task and facilitates completion. It provides a systematic approach to questionnaire design for practitioners and researchers with little to no education or formal training.
William Moroney, Ph.D., CPE
Joyce Cameron, DMA, MA

Risk Management is a practical guide to applying risk management tools such as FMEA (failure modes and effects analysis) and FTA (fault tree analysis) to products and systems with a focus on user interactions and human error (i.e., “use error”).
Edmond W. Israelski, Ph.D.
William H. Muto, Ph.D.

The purpose of this book is to provide a detailed guide on how to successfully measure situation awareness in laboratories and simulations, as well as many applied settings.
Mica R. Endsley, Ph.D., PE |

This guide will be useful to anyone who must understand work to develop personnel selection criteria, training objectives or recommendations for the design of equipment and procedures
Jack Stuster, Ph.D., CPE |

Usability Assessment is a concise volume for anyone requiring knowledge and practice in assessing the usability of any type of product, tool or system before it is launched.
Philip Kortum, Ph.D. |

This accessible guide sets out a comprehensive, systematic approach to evaluating workload measures and to designing studies to maximize the value obtained from the measures.
Gerald Matthews, Ph.D.
Lauren Reinerman-Jones, Ph.D. |