HFES Operating Rules

Version 4.16.24

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1.1 - Purpose

1.1.1 The Operating Rules of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society (“the Society”) are to aid the orderly transaction of the business of the Society.  The Operating Rules are intended to be a living document that regulates the day-to-day business of the Society.  Divisions, committees, and task forces within the Society can develop their own policies and procedures.  Those policies and procedures shall be consistent with the Articles of Incorporation, the Bylaws and the Operating Rules.

1.2               Consistent with Bylaws and the Articles of Incorporation

1.2.1            The Operating Rules for the Society shall govern the Society where they are consistent with the Bylaws and the Articles of Incorporation of the Society.

1.3               Modifications

1.3.1            Divisions, committees, and task forces within the Society can propose Operating Rule[s] changes by providing wording and a rationale in their regular reports to Executive Council or by writing to the Society President.  The Executive Council can independently propose changes as well.  Any operating rule can be adopted, amended, suspended, or rescinded by a majority vote of the full Executive Council.  See Section 5.4.17.

1.4               In Force

1.4.1            An operating rule shall govern until the rule has been amended, suspended, or rescinded.


Section 1. Motions to adopt, amend, or repeal the Bylaws must be consistent with the Articles of Incorporation and must bear the signatures of at least 10 percent of the Full Members of the Society or be approved by a majority of the Executive Council.  Such motions shall be submitted in writing to the Executive Director for publication in the next issue of the Bulletin.  The Executive Director shall then submit the motions by mail ballot to all voting Full Members of the Society no sooner than 60 days and no later than 90 days after publication.  The Full Members of the Society shall be allowed at least thirty days but not more than 45 days to return their ballots. Approval by two-thirds of the Full Members who vote shall be required to adopt, amend, or repeal Bylaws.

Section 2. The adoption, amendment, or repeal of a Bylaw shall take effect immediately upon its passage and shall be published in the next issue of the Bulletin. The complete text of the current Bylaws shall be published annually in the Directory.



The Aging Technical Group (ATG) is a community of professionals from industry, academia, and government organizations who share a common interest in human factors appropriate to meeting the emerging needs of older people and special populations in a wide variety of life settings.

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Augmented Cognition

The Augmented Cognition Technical Group (ACTG) is concerned with fostering the development and application of real-time physiological and neurophysiological sensing technologies.

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Children's Issues

The Children's Issues Technical Group (CITG) comprises researchers, practitioners, manufacturers, policymakers, caregivers, and students interested in research, design, and application concerning human factors and ergonomics (HF/E) issues related to children's emerging development from birth to age 18.

Learn More  |  CITG Website  |  Join the CITG  |  CITG Community Forum

Cognitive Engineering and Decision Making

The Cognitive Engineering and Decision Making Technical Group (CEDMTG) explores how to apply scientifically-derived patterns of cognition (including decision making) to the design of machines, automation, training programs, and coordination environments for work systems (individuals, teams, and larger).

Learn More  |  CEDM Website  |  Join the CEDMTG  |  CEDMTG Community Forum


The Communications Technical Group (CTG) focuses on human-centered research and design of products, systems, and technologies that facilitate communications. Research covers communications-related software and hardware user interfaces, input/output methods, augmented and virtual environments, information and communications technologies, privacy, and inclusive design.

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The Cybersecurity Technical Group (CYTG) promotes work addressing human factors and human-computer interaction in cybersecurity. The Group engages professionals interested in this area, organizes sessions, and fosters community building.

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The Education Technical Group (ETG) is concerned with (1) the design of educational systems, environments, interfaces, and technologies that facilitate learning; and (2) educating members of HFES and the public about human factors and ergonomics and providing educational materials for that purpose.

Learn More  |  ETG Website  |  Join the ETG  |  ETG Community Forum

Environmental Design

Members of the Environmental Design Technical Group (EDTG) study the relationship between human behavior and the designed environment to advance the integration of ergonomics principles in the design of home, work, educational, healthcare, and other shared spaces.

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Extended Reality

The Extended Reality Technical Group (XRTG) is concerned with human factors issues associated with human-virtual environment interaction. These issues include maximizing human performance efficiency in virtual environments, ensuring health and safety, and circumventing potential social problems through proactive assessment.

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Forensics Professional

The Forensics Professional Technical Group (FPTG) is concerned with the application of human factors knowledge and techniques to "standards of care" and accountability established within the legislative, regulatory, and judicial systems.

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Health Care

The Health Care Technical Group (HCTG) is interested in maximizing the contributions of human factors and ergonomics to medical systems effectiveness and the quality of life of people who are functionally impaired.

Learn More  |  HCTG Website  |  Join the HCTG  |  HCTG Community Forum

Human Performance Modeling

The Human Performance Modeling Technical Group (HPMTG) focuses on the development and application of predictive, reliable, and executable quantitative models of human performance. 

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Human-AI-Robot Teaming

The Human–AI–Robot Teaming Technical Group (HART) serves members who share an interest in studying teamwork among humans, artificial intelligence (AI), and robots, including the design, development, implementation, and evaluation of the human–AI–robot team and team components.

Learn More  |  HART Website  |  Join the HART TG  |  HART TG Community Forum

Individual Differences in Performance

The Individual Differences in Performance Technical Group (IDTG) serves those who share an interest in any of the wide range of personality and individual difference variables believed to mediate performance.

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The Macroergonomics Technical Group (METG) focuses on organizational design and management issues in human factors and ergonomics as well as work system design and human-organization interface technology. Formerly named Organizational Design and Management Technical Group.

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Occupational Ergonomics

The Occupational Ergonomics Technical Group (OETG) is concerned with the application of human factors / ergonomics data and principles for improving safety, productivity, and quality of work in industry. It concentrates on service and manufacturing processes, operations, and environments, and product design.

Learn More  |  OETG Website  |  Join the OETG  |  OETG Community Forum

Perception and Performance

The Perception and Performance Technical Group (PPTG) fosters knowledge exchange in perception and performance research across diverse domains, such as transportation, process control, healthcare and space. Addressed topics include perception research technologies, perception support feedback technologies, human characteristics, and information presentation for improved task performance.

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Product Design

The Product Design Technical Group (PDTG) supports its members in advancing their knowledge and implementation of principles and methods from user experience disciplines in the development of consumer, business, and medical products and services that are useful, usable, safe, and desirable.

Learn More  |  PDTG Linked In  |  Join the PDTG  |  PDTG Community Forum


The Safety Technical Group (STG) is concerned with the development and application of human factors technology as it relates to safety in all settings and attendant populations.

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Surface Transportation

The Surface Transportation Technical Group (STTG) provides a forum for individuals involved or interested in human factors to exchange information, methods, and ideas related to international surface transportation including movement of people or resources by road, rail, or sea.

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The Sustainability Technical Group (SUSTG) shares information and research methods on applying human factors and ergonomics to sustainability systems, such as transportation, food, energy, and product design.

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System Development

The System Development Technical Group (SDTG) offers a forum for fostering research and exchanging information on the integration of human factors and ergonomics into the development of systems. Members are concerned with defining human factors/ergonomics activities and integrating them into the system development process in order to enable systems that meet user requirements.

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The Training Technical Group (TTG) serves as a hub that provides a mechanism for information interchange among people interested in all aspects of human factors as applied to training systems to enhance safety and performance outcomes across diverse industries.

Learn More  |  TTG Website  |  Join the TTG  |  TTG Community Forum

Usability and System Evaluation

The Usability and System Evaluation Technical Group (USETG) unites human factors and ergonomics professionals to evaluate measurement techniques during the design and development process. We discover and share tools, methodologies, best practices, and lessons learned to optimize performance, safety, and user experience.

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User Experience

The User Experience (UX) Technical Group is concerned with advancing the research, design, and evaluation of user experiences in products, systems, and services, aiming to improve their design and functionality while fostering rich interactions between users and technology.

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